Caroline Dunmore teaches the Westminster Guiding course in the School of Architecture and the Built Environment at the University of Westminster. This is a one-year evening class leading to a Diploma of Special Study in Tour Guiding and membership of the City of Westminster Guide-Lecturers Association. Read comments from the Class of 2012.
Caroline is uniquely qualified to teach this course.She has previously held a three-year Research Fellowship at the University of Oxford, where she taught undergraduates, and now runs a training and development programme for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers at one of the post-1992 universities in London. As well as being a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, i.e. an accredited university teacher, Caroline also has considerable experience of managing training programmes in the corporate sector and is a qualified management coach. Caroline is a qualified City of London Guide and City of Westminster Guide, and her academic qualifications include an MA in History of Art from the Courtauld Institute of Art and a PhD in History and Philosophy of Science from King’s College London.

Above all, Caroline really loves teaching! The Westminster Guiding
course runs from September to May and is designed so that every week contains a mixture of knowledge acquisition and practical skills
development. Caroline delivers richly-illustrated slide lectures on various aspects of Westminster’s heritage, and students participate in training walks and in-class activities throughout the course. For more information, please see the course page on the University of Westminster’s website, or e-mail Caroline on

Hear Caroline talking about the course on a PodAcademy podcast.

Caroline and Barbara also offer bespoke courses in guiding skills for
people involved in the tourist and heritage sectors. For more information see the Bespoke Courses page.