Barbara Hargreaves is currently living and working in Zambia where she is on placement with Voluntary Service Overseas. She is working with women and children affected by HIV/AIDs using her health management qualifications and experience. Barbara is expected to return to England by autumn 2012.

Barbara normally lives and works in London. She is a registered nurse and midwife, has a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and theology and a master’s degree in medieval history. Barbara is a qualified City of London Guide and City of Westminster Guide and is a member of the Institute of Tourist Guiding.

Given her background, it is no surprise that Barbara’s specialist area is the history of medicine. Drawing on both her academic knowledge and her professional experience, Barbara brings to life the fascinating subject of medical history. On one of her walks you will learn about the illnesses and ailments that affected people in previous centuries and how they were treated, and you will hear the story of how medicine and surgery developed through the ages.

For information about Barbara’s experience of delivering training, please see the Bespoke Courses page.

Here are some of Barbara’s favourites from her portfolio of walks.

Faith, Hope and Charity: Medieval Medicine in the City of London
A walk from Apothecaries’ Hall to the Barbican discovering our oldest hospital, hearing about the great plagues and illnesses that stalked the medieval world, and uncovering a grisly fact or two about early surgery.

Medicine and Mortality in the 19th Century:
This walk around Paddington unearths what was possibly the unhealthiest century ever for Londoners. Ravaged by cholera and the diseases of poverty, average life expectancy was only about 38 years. It was the century that gave rise to our public health system and in which great discoveries were made that pushed forward the boundaries of medical treatment.

Public and Private: Soho Square to Cavendish Square
On this walk you will meet great figures from our medical past and see where they worked and treated patients. We will uncover some of the ways in which people treated mankind’s more taboo and embarrassing illnesses.

Religion and radicalism: emerging and evolving belief
Walking through the City of London, you will see buildings and places that in their time symbolised the faith of those who lived and worshipped there. This walk explains the changing beliefs and religious influences on Londoners both native-born and immigrant and the impact this has on our society today.

Hidden London: secret places in the city
London holds many secrets. On this walk, you will move off the beaten track and visit some of the city’s little known and hidden corners.